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Starbase Adran Distinguished Service Commendation Award
Ex Astris Excellentia Award
June 2006

Steve's Star Trek TOS Site is online for a couple of years now, but after not bookmarking it for some reason I rediscovered it only recently when Steve himself contacted me. One main section of the site is an illustrated Original Series episode guide with the possibility for visitors to add reviews. But there is much more to discover. Steve also offers a selection of sounds and a large searchable and customizable screen cap database, likewise with the option for visitors to leave comments. The unique feature of the site, however, is the collection of high-quality Flash animations, like the TOS opening sequence or a bridge simulator. Navigation on Steve's site is fast and straightforward, with
a graphic design that is original yet true to the simplistic spirit of TOS. Thank you to Steve in Down Under for making his site a fun experience, and thanks for telling me about it!
TrekCore Silver Warp Core Award
Section 47 Site Excellence Award
Steve, Congratulations! Your site has won the Section 47's Site of Excellence Award. I enjoyed your site which is well put together and quite unique. Your site has great graphics and was easy to navigate. I am proud to bestow Section 47’s award to your site. Keep up the great work!



